Running Without Injury
What’s the key to running without injury? The answer is prevention. It’s estimated that nearly 8 out of 10 runners will experience an injury. Such a high number right? But not surprising.
So, how do you keep from getting hurt? You can start by focusing on these 5 key areas. While there are many ways to help fight off injury, this is a great start.
1. Focus on your form and posture.
One way to avoid injury is having good running posture. Here are three things that all good runners do from The Run Experience.
2. Dynamic warm ups
Without a proper warm-up, you will be prone to injuries. So the goal is too increase flexibility, increase heart rate, loosen up muscles, increase blood flow and body temperature and get the body ready for your run. This will also help to reinforce good posture.
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3. Focus on your core
One of the main benefits of core strength for runners is increased stabilization in the torso. Having core strength will also significantly improve your balance. As you become more fatigue, your form and posture begins to suffer. A strong core will definitely help.
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4. Foam Rolling
This for me is a love/ hate relationship. My blood pressure immediately goes up even glancing at my roller, but it is a must! When used in addition to your post-run stretching, a foam roller can help prevent injury and keep your muscles strong by push toxins (lactic acid) out of the muscles, and promoting faster recovery. This will also limit soreness and tightness through out and increased blood flow and flexibility.
5. Strengthen your Hips
If a runner has weak hips, it can set the stage for overuse injuries because other muscles take over. Since the hips stabilize each leg during the stance phase of the running gait, strength in that area is particularly vital. Hip weakness throws off all that stability, resulting in excess movement not only at the hip, but also at the knee. The two most common injuries that result from weak hips include illiotibial band syndrome or patellofemoral pain syndrome. Source: Active
Here are hip strengthening exercises that you can do at home.
Related: Try these hip strengthening exercises too.
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