Non Runners, Take Note
What is one of the most annoying things a runner can hear? It’s your non runner friends saying something that shows that they know nothing, and we mean nothing about running. Has someone told you….. ” I know someone else who ran a 5k marathon “. No. You. Don’t.
So here is our list of some of the most annoying things runners must endure.
Let’s skip the food station, you can just eat at home.
If you want to see a runners head spin completely around, just say this. For optimal recovery, a runner needs food within a half hour window of finishing a hard effort. So the food station is never one that you should skip.
Don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink?
Runners can lose a lot of water during a race, especially if it’s a longer distance like a marathon, or the day is warm. It is not unheard of for runners to lose 10 pounds in a single marathon, due to water loss. So, no, they have not had enough to drink.
Your life can go back to normal now, right?
People in many runners’ lives can relate to the experience of pre-race training. The runner needs to get more sleep, tends to go out drinking less, watches what they eat more. etc, etc. What many spectators/spouses/supporting friends may fail to realize is that this is the preferred ‘normal’ for most runners.
“Your feet look disgusting!”
Yes, it’s true that marathon runners usually don’t have the prettiest feet. There are a lot of runners who are too embarrassed about their black toenails, blistered feet, and callused toes. So they certainly don’t want someone making them feel more self-conscious about their ugly feet. Not nice.
“You’re almost there!”
Race spectators are very well-intentioned when they tell runners they’re close to the finish line. But, in reality, race participants don’t want to be told they’re “almost there” because even if there’s just a half mile left, it feels like it will take forever to get there. Please keep said comments to yourself.
“So, how far is this marathon?”
While some marathoners may be amused by this question,( probably not many) others might get just a bit annoyed. The person might assume your interest in their endeavor is disingenuous since you haven’t bothered to learn the basic facts about a marathon. And they really don’t want to make you feel dumb by saying, “By definition, a marathon is always the same distance: 26.2 miles.”
“Why do you run? It’s SO boring!”
Boring is the last thing a runner feels about their sport. It’s actually the opposite. Running relieves stress, allows you to get lost in your thoughts, and one of the most awesome reasons to run……belonging to a community that wants to see you succeed, always. So no, running is not boring.
“I didn’t think old people could run that far!”
What? It amazes me how so many people actually believe this. Many, and I mean many runners start a bit later in life and accomplish so much more than they ever imagined. It is never to late, never!
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Source: About Running
Source: Running Magazine