Home Training Unlock Your Running Potential By Strengthening And Stretching Your Hip Flexors
Unlock Your Running Potential By Strengthening And Stretching Your Hip Flexors

Unlock Your Running Potential By Strengthening And Stretching Your Hip Flexors


Strengthen And Stretch Your Hip Flexors And Avoid Injuries



         Every runner is dependent on these, actually, every person is dependent on these muscles, the hip flexors. These are a group of muscles that allow you to lift your knees and bend at the waist. They help to pull up the knees and keep your pelvis and thighs aligned when you run. When weakened, they can contribute to improper form, running injuries, and slower times. Along with pain in your Achilles, hamstring, and knee, these muscles when tight, can also cause you to have poor posture, and is a common cause of lower back pain. 

hip flexor

   You can help prevent hip flexor injuries by starting your exercise at an appropriate level for yourself and increasing in gradual increments. Pay close attention to how your body feels before, during and after training to help prevent over-training. Warm up thoroughly to prepare the body for running by boosting blood flow to the muscles and increasing joint motion. Cool down properly to lessen muscle tension and increase flexibility.

You can also help reduce injuries by stretching and strengthen these muscles too. Here are 2 perfect exercises to try.

Stretching exercises for hip flexors


Strengthening your hip flexors


Learn how to make running easier on your body:

  • Running Drills
  • Strength and Mobility Exercises
  • Postural and Stability Exercises
  • 6 and 12 Week Training Plans
  • Step by Step Coaching

Find out more Click Here!


Source: Live Strong

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