If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Running Quotes Sometimes is almost impossible to get out of bed at the crack of dawn, or after a 10 hour work day, and feel motivated for a run. Some days the motivation just isn’t there. […]
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Running Form Tips Every serious runner wants to learn how to increase their running endurance. Whether your goal is to increase your speed or distance, having good running form plays a major role. Along with interval training, cross training, fartleks, and many other training methods, having great form will get you further […]
Inspiring Running Story I have to be honest, my jaw dropped as I watched this story unfold. Is this really the same person? This is one of the most inspiring stories that we have come across. It takes an enormous amount of courage and tenacity to change your life. Many people […]
Why You Should Run A Marathon Have you ever wondered why anyone would want to run a marathon? 26.2 long miles of blood, sweat, tears, and black toenails. They must be crazy right? Well, if you must know, there are a few perks to being an endurance runner. Really, more than a few. […]
Piriformis Stretches What is one of the toughest challenges runners deal with during their training? It’s dealing with an injury or pain that won’t seem to go away. Piriformis syndrome is one of those common issues that is well known for causing trouble in endurance runners. Where is the piriformis? It […]