Home Tag "half marathon"

Best Half Marathon Tips and Advice

If you are training to run a half marathon, congratulations! According to Women’s Running..   [pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#ff9900″ class=”” size=””]In recent years, the half marathon has become America’s fastest-growing race distance, as the number of 13.1-mile races has swelled along with the number of participants. In 2012, 1.85 million people finished a 13.1-mile […]

10 Ways to Run Faster, Now

4 Important Training Tips for Your First Half Marathon

 Half Marathon Training Tips       oing from a 10k race to a half marathon is a big step. But if you’re a runner, you know that running a half marathon is a goal most hope to achieve. Many run­ners say that it’s their favorite marathon, long enough to be a real challenge, and short enough to be achievable for almost any runner. […]

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Beginning Marathoners Make