Home Tag "marathon tips"

6 Moves To Protect Your Knees And Prevent Runners Knee

Exercises For Runner’s Knee Prevention        Runner’s knee is all to common among runners and is named for obvious reasons. Symptoms include pain behind the knee or around your patella (knee cap) when you are running, particularly when going down hills or stairs. You may also feel popping or a grinding sensation as […]

The Healthies And Easiest Ways To Hydrate Before And After Your Run

Best Half Marathon Tips and Advice

If you are training to run a half marathon, congratulations! According to Women’s Running..   [pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#ff9900″ class=”” size=””]In recent years, the half marathon has become America’s fastest-growing race distance, as the number of 13.1-mile races has swelled along with the number of participants. In 2012, 1.85 million people finished a 13.1-mile […]

10 Reasons To Run A Marathon