Benefits Of Using A Foam Roller
The benefits of using a foam roller are endless, really. Rolling can limit soreness and tightness by increasing blood flow and flexibility. Foam rolling can also help runners avoid many sport-related injuries by also decreasing recovery time. Here are 5 great ways to use a foam roller, especially if you are logging in the miles.
1. IT Band
To get into position, put the roller under your hip and keep one leg on the floor as a support. Start at your hip and work the roller down to the knee by moving alongside it. If you find a tender spot, push down and hold or roll quickly back and forth over the tender spot. This will help loosen up the IT band.
2. TFL or Hip Flexor
This one includes the same instructions as the last one, but this time spread your legs outwards. Start at your hip and work down to the knee. If you find a tender spot, push down and hold or roll quickly back and forth over the tender spot. Similarly to the last exercise, this will help stretch out your hip flexors.
3. Quadriceps
Get in plank position and put the roller under your hip. Keep your hands on the floor and core tight. Start at your hip and work down to the knee in order to stretch your quadriceps from the front.
4. Hamstring and Glutes
Start by sitting on the foam roller, then roll your hips towards the ground. To increase pressure, keep your bum in the air.
5. Calf
Sit on the ground and start with the foam roller behind the knee and pull your knees up. As the image shows, lift the hips up and roll back and forth, keeping the legs straight.
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- Source Fitness Mercola