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7 Minute Total Body Workout

    Total Body Workout        Do you have 7 minutes to get a quick workout in? If you find yourself short on time but determined to get your workout in today, than this 7 minute total body workout is just perfect. These 12 exercises are performed for 30 seconds each with 10 seconds […]

Piriformis Stretches For Runners

  Piriformis Stretches       What is one of the toughest challenges runners deal with during their training? It’s dealing with an injury or pain that won’t seem to go away. Piriformis syndrome is one of those common issues that is well known for causing trouble in endurance runners. Where is the piriformis? It […]

Runners, Why You Should Be Strength Training

   Why Runners Should Be Strength Training      Strength-training moves are critical for runners. Without it, there is potential for overuse injuries if your muscles aren’t supporting your structural system. Strengthening your core is a great first step to maintaining a balance. You’ll strengthen all the muscles around your abdominals, obliques, and spine, leaving you feeling balanced the next […]

At What Age Do Runners Peak?