Take the Guess Work Out of Stretching

The Importance of Stretching for Runners    Stretching is key for recovery to help alleviate those hard working, tight muscles especially after running. Stretching out those quads and hips is critical to avoid  potential problems that could keep you off of the pavement. Running is a very physically demanding sport. This video has some key stretches to help keep […]

Improve Your Running Speed With These Tips

Best Half Marathon Tips and Advice

If you are training to run a half marathon, congratulations! According to Women’s Running..   [pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#ff9900″ class=”” size=””]In recent years, the half marathon has become America’s fastest-growing race distance, as the number of 13.1-mile races has swelled along with the number of participants. In 2012, 1.85 million people finished a 13.1-mile […]

This Dog Accidentally Runs A Half Marathon And Places 7th