3 Tips To Improve Your Running Form

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!  Running Form Tips        Every serious runner wants to learn how to increase their running endurance. Whether your goal is to increase your speed or distance, having good running form plays a major role. Along with interval […]

The Most Inspiring Running Story You May Ever See

Inspiring Running Story        I have to be honest, my jaw dropped as I watched this story unfold. Is this really the same person?  This is one of the most inspiring stories that we have come across. It takes an enormous amount of courage and tenacity to change your life.   Many people […]

7 Minute Total Body Workout

    Total Body Workout        Do you have 7 minutes to get a quick workout in? If you find yourself short on time but determined to get your workout in today, than this 7 minute total body workout is just perfect. These 12 exercises are performed for 30 seconds each with 10 seconds […]

10 Reasons To Run A Marathon

Why You Should Run A Marathon     Have you ever wondered why anyone would want to run a marathon? 26.2 long miles of blood, sweat, tears, and black toenails. They must be crazy right? Well, if you must know, there are a few perks to being an endurance runner. Really, more than a few. […]

Piriformis Stretches For Runners

  Piriformis Stretches       What is one of the toughest challenges runners deal with during their training? It’s dealing with an injury or pain that won’t seem to go away. Piriformis syndrome is one of those common issues that is well known for causing trouble in endurance runners. Where is the piriformis? It […]

How To Avoid And Fix Common Running Flaws

      Fix These Common Running Flaws   How is your running form? Are you as fast as you want to be? Maybe you are guilty of making one of these two common running form mistakes. No worries though, these can be easily corrected with a little guidance and practice. Check out this video […]

This Dog Accidentally Runs A Half Marathon And Places 7th

       Dog Runs Half Marathon         Just when she thought her dog was a lazy bum, this owner found out she actually had an endurance athlete in the family, her dog Ludivine. The pair comes from Elkmont, Alabama, and last week Ludivine’s owner, April Hamlin, let her out to pee, and […]

8 Things You Should Never Say To A Runner

     Non Runners, Take Note          What is one of the most annoying things a runner can hear? It’s your non runner friends saying something that shows that they know nothing, and we mean nothing about running. Has someone told you….. ” I know someone else who ran a 5k marathon […]

You Know You Are A Runner When

Signs That You May Be A Runner          Do you remember when you put on your first pair of running shoes and decided, yep, today, I will run. It was the start of a passion, the beginning of driving your family crazy, and the endless obsession with stretching. You even seem to have your […]

Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

Nicole 0

10 Key Hip Strengthening Exercises For Runners

Hip Strengthening Exercises For Runners        Did you know that not doing routine hip strengthening exercises  leads to poor running mechanics and can often cause issues with IT band pain (pain on the outside of your thigh), patellar tendonitis (also known as runner’s knee), back pain, and many other common running injuries.     […]